Wednesday, April 30, 2008

6 extra strength tylenol, 2 aspirins and 2 muscle relaxers later...

I still have a pinched nerve...I woke yesterday in total do people LIVE like this? my right side was and is sooo sore...must be a pinched nerve from sleeping wrong or something...the day before I had a really stiff neck but now is just agony...but the drugs have helped take the edge off. I can certainly empathise with anyone that lives with cronic back takes a lot out of you just to move don't realize how much you take those muscles for granted until they are locked up on you and leave you totally incapacitated.

Today is better but it certainly has opened my eyes to appreciate good health more


Kylie's momma said...

Bummer! How'd it happen? Drugs are good and don't be afraid to take them. No point in suffering! I hurt my back in HS and took one of my dad's muscle relaxants (by the way he was 6'3" and 200+ lbs) and Whoooey! Was I flying! It was great and sure took the edge off. But probably not the smartest thing I did :-) A nice glass of wine before bed might help some too. As long as you rest it will get better. Hang in there.

prechrswife said...

Ouch! That doesn't sound any fun at all. Take care of yourself, and feel better soon!

a Tonggu Momma said...

I hope you feel better soon!!!!!

rgshrs said...

Hope the meds help and you get some relief soon! More than just the edge being taken off!