Friday, October 10, 2008

Where is this all going....?

Well, I attended my first "Avon meeting" on Wednesday night. It was a small group which was really nice so I didn't feel overwhelmed and like I had to remember a whole bunch of new names...I know you all are probably wondering why I keep posting ads about Avon and what I am doing, thinking and trying to sell....well thats just it, I am not trying to "sell" anything...I think it is more about the making contact than with the "OMG I have a sale" factor...I am really trying to reach beyond my inner orbicle...this wall I have built around myself.

I admit I am a shopaholic, so Avon has always been a favorite of mine but this is my third time being a representative and this time I want goals...I think I did it before for basically the same reasons but this time I really want to grow.

The past few weeks I've been doing a lot of thinking about the future...I like to think ahead of the game and plan things out. This week I planted the tulip garden for my Mom, joined Avon, its been things that I don't see any results of at the moment but I'm hoping will be something that brings pleasure to others, making people smile is what makes me happiest.

Thats also got me thinking about the next phase of our lives here...what is to come...what is going to happen once Scott is retired...where will he find a long will we live here? 2 years, 5 years...a hundred? Is this "our place" to be? So many few answers. I would still love to adopt a house full of kids, hubs is a bit leary of having more than we can afford but I feel totally opposite in the sense that without the kids there is nothing of value in our home...I would love to adopt a dozen or more....the wild and crazy life portrayed on reality shows where the families have dozens or more children...that is exciting to me. I know most think that is crazy but that is my dream....I have a good job and should be happy being a career woman in todays world but some days all I want to be is a Mom. Showered in kisses and hugs, surrounded by the pitter patter, thunk of growing feet. I know in todays world "things" are given a higher value rating than are human beings. We've lost the ability to stop for a moment to say hello to our neighbors or even get to know each other. Our lives seem wrapped up in getting to somewhere, but do we really know where it is we are going? What is it all about? What are our dreams and how do we make them real? Not real like reality tv real, but real as in please come in and sit down, lets have a chat and tell me what you are truly thinking. How are you doing today??? Where has that reality gone?

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