Monday, November 17, 2008

Under the weather

Jaiden came home with running nose and weepy eyes yesterday from her weekend adventure at Gramma's. Last night she woke several times in the night and her raspy breathing and croaky sounding cough was just awful. I stayed home with her and most of the day she was acting her normal bouncy self but this afternoon she is back to coughing, stuffed nose and buggery eyes. Ugh. Not looking forward to her having a nasty cold all week since the kids and I will leave on Friday to go to Arkansas for Thanksgiving with my Mom.


rgshrs said...

Sorry J-babe isn't feeling well:( hope that your trip goes okay despite that. Guess we'll be passing on the highway again..figuratively of course, lol. we're headed to Ohio Saturday for Thanksgiving as well :)

Kim said...

We woke at around 3 am this morning with her burning up with fever so she is on her way to the doctor with Dad this morning. After giving her Motrin the fever broke but rocking a sweating child and having her look up at you with those big soulful eyes is just heart wrenching. Why is it that they always spike a fever in the night and not so much during the day when you can take them to the doctor?

prechrswife said...

Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon.

Kylie's momma said...

Oh poor thing. Make sure you crank up a humidifier. It sure helps Kylie when she's coughing etc.... Hope she's feeling better soon!

audrey said...

I feel your pain. Mine are sick too; Karissa has the fever and goopy nose. Hope everyone is well for your trip!