Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As for me and my family we shall serve the LORD

We work for the federal government so the election this year has been a bit stressful. But in spite of it all we know who is in charge. So we may need to re-prioritize some things this year. I will start with some goals for myself and my family.

1. Love thy neighbor...we hardly even KNOW our neighbors so I am putting this goal at the very top because it is a very important commandment and in this day and age a very neglected one. I pledge to make an effort to not only love them but to get to know them too. How will I do this? Random acts of kindness? Have them over for coffee? Not sure, I will be praying for the answer.

2. Make sure the kids brush their teeth better. Yes this may be a weird priority but after paying over $300 in copays this last couple of weeks for fillings this has trumped a lot of other seemingly more important things. So we are not going to fret about buying new toothbrushes, we will not skimp on toothpaste, floss or rinse. This is very important and we have to address the need for clean healthy mouths.

3. Read a book. Reading has always been a favorite pastime of mine but it seems to be lost on todays generation where tv watching and video games often takes priority. I would like to see my kids reading more so I need to set the example for them to follow. When they come to me with a book I will embrace the opportunity for this moment of learning, growing and a nice cuddle too. I may return to my original childhood favorite this winter "Little House on the Prarie" I've been wanting to re-read the series and relive the wonder of that long lost era.

Ok that is the top 3...I'm sure I will add more but for now that is a good start. I am asking for ya'll out there to please pray for our family during this next few months. It is getting more and more stressful trying not to think too hard about what will happen once Scott is retired from the Air Force and how long we will be here...its all in God's hands.

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