Monday, May 26, 2008

Peach Cobbler...iced mocha

Lovin the Highs, Survivin the Lows

Its been a fabulous 5 days the past week I've been a diggin fool planting my gardens....I didn't realize the sun was so intense yesterday until I came in and saw that my neck and arms were the color of a cherry....I was loving every minute of being outside - today is cold and yuck - tonight we are in the midst of a freeze warning....80's to 20's in mere hours....great...just great

Is it winter, spring, winter, summer, winter??? I'm forgetting what season it is exactly....

How are you doing?


a Tonggu Momma said...

I love gardening, but - unfortunately - I pretty much have a black thumb. Glad to hear all is well with you, despite the frost.

AmyO said...

That's our MN weather for ya! It was a nice weekend to get some stuff down outside :)

prechrswife said...

Sorry the weather is being so crazy... As for how we are doing, everything is fine down here. Nothing real exciting to report. :-)