This photo was taken on Saturday...even when she is trying not to be, she is still a cutie pie!
Its been a frustrating Monday. One of those days when I just wish I could have stayed in bed....things went ok, no complaints to speak was just one of those days. I feel myself slipping into a funk and not sure why.
I ordered a garden ruter today...the kind you can attach to a cordless drill...after planting about two dozen tulip and daffodil bulbs with a bulb planter...I've decided that what this woman needs is POWER TOOLS...(insert Tool Time Tim rrooorroorooo) No, I don't intend to dig to China to bring back a sister for Jaiden (sigh) if it were so easy I would try. I do intend to make the best darn tulip bed on the Point though...I need a HOBBY to take my mind off the winter that is sneaking up on us. I need something to look forward to in the my mind is clickin making plans to hint to hubs that he too needs another project....he loves to build he will get the task of digging and putting the blocks in...I get to fill with plants :) The tomato plants that I grew from seeds...well they burst (literally) the tomatoes are bursting at the seams...and the plants are crazy wild and growing enormous. I pulled one plant up yesterday and pulled DOZENS of roma tomatoes off of ones, orange ones, the red ones were not good cuz they had been pecked on by something so I threw them out. In a few days the green ones will be red...I have some that were orange when I brought them inside and are now red and they are very tasty. It amazes me that something could grow from such a teenie tiny seed....and make such a tremendous harvest of fruit. There are several other plants that are still in the "green" stages. I think I planted a big boy and lots of different cherrie tomatoes and grape tomatoes too. The only ones I've seen ripen so far are the pear (yellow) grape tomatoes...I'd never eaten a yellow tomato before and I must say that while it is not my favorite, its not too bad. It has a flavor that I can't quite figure out. Very mild and lightly sweet. With all the rain we've had the growth rate has been stupendous and I really need to go weed the garden because it has become a jungle. Things grow here like you would not believe...just stick it in the ground and it flourishes. So I am looking forward to seeing what comes up next spring...I will try to keep thing in moderation this time and not plant so many tomatos. They totally outgrew their cages...they need something MUCH stronger and taller than the flimsy tomato cages at the hardware store.
So why am I in such a funky mood? I picked Jared up from bowling and took him to swimming, which turned out to be a joke. He splashed around in the water for half an hour and dunked his head in once. He has been to swim lessons before so he should be well past this stage by now...but he has no water confidence and the instructors had about 10 kids per group so they were not able to give him much "instruction" during this time. I left very frustrated and he was disappointed because he really wants to learn to swim...swim....not just flop around in the water. I am going to try to cancel the classes tommorrow, hopefully get a refund on the very expensive chlorine bath. and then take a few days to take him to a pool and teach him myself. I learned by just getting in the water and doing it....but I am part fish (crab) and he doesn't like water in the face so this could be quite the challenge. He loves to be in the water...he just doesn't like the water to be in his face.
Jared's in the blue trunks in the can see the instructors have his full attention...
So I am an itty bitty bit crabby tonight. I posts will get less whak (I hope) Thanks for listening. Good Night! Evening! Morning! Afternoon! (whatever it may be to you)
Nothing wrong with a rambling post. :-) Sorry to hear the swimming lessons aren't working out. :-(
dig all the way to china, ha!ha! that's a good one. I believe once Jared realise how fun it is to have his face in the water and he is fully in control of it, he will get over the confidence thingy. Sometimes, kids learn all this by themselves and they are much tougher than we thought. Good luck to both mommy n son.
Even when they are trying to be crabby you can't help but love them! Hopefully you can get your money back or talk to the instructors about helping him. Especially if he's not speaking up. Does he have goggles? that might help with the water in the face thing... I always hated the chlorine in my eyes.
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