Location possibility #1
Tulips in their packages - shows different colors
Location option #2 - corner garden? This will all be a big flower bed from the gate to the end of the house...eventually
Daffodil bulb - doesn't look like much now does it?
My power auger came in the mail yesterday!!! Watch out Mamma's got POWER TOOLS baby! Wooo Hoo! The drill battery was dead and I was pretty exhausted from a full day at work at the open house we had so I didn't get started on them yesterday, in spite of the GORGEOUS day that it turned out to be. It was 40s in the morning...my ticket booth was in the shade so I wore not only two layers but a heavy jacket and a scarf. But by noon the sun was above me and I was able to take off the jacket and scarf. The fall colors are starting to come, leaves have been changing the past couple of days to a bright sunny yellow and some mottled yellows.
This will be my start to finish tulip bed post...so link here for a progress check. I have a vision of constructing an all pink bed which (hopefully) will be in full bloom around May timeframe (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) and I would like to dedicate it to my Mom. She has been such an inspiration to me, throughout my life, but I am just now realizing how wonderful she truly is. Just this Friday, she attended a concert at her tiny little church in podunk Arkansas. The church men constructed the stage and the church ladies did all the fixings. There were over 1500 people in attendance!!! That is like WOW. I think we had maybe 150-200 at our open house yesterday and our building is twice the size of that church. I can't imagine the amount of work that must have gone into making all that possible. And here's my Mom, 74 years old, who lives in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of it all. She is so amazing!
Anyway, back to the garden. I would like to put it close to the road...thinking on the opposite side of the driveway of the mailbox...or should I tuck it into the corner more? I would like to make the bed kinda heart shaped...so the angle of the driveway and road would help here. So far I have 3 different colors of pink tulips and some pink hycynths. Any other suggestions of pink blooming flowers that bloom throughout May...and beyond would be great.
I will post random photos of the progress here as the work progresses. So check back for an update on occasion :)
Kim ~ My momma is a breast cancer survivor. And my neighbor Rosie is battling it now. I think your garden idea is simply beautiful. I can't wait to see photos this spring.
WoooooHoooo! Power Tools ROCK!!! I just powered through the hard clay dirt like a bull in a china shop. I got 3 dozen daffodils planted in no time flat. Its amazing to me how something so twisted, dried up and ugly as a bulb can become such a beautiful wonder in the spring.
This was my "test drive" for the big project. I am now equipped and ready to move on to the "Garden of Love" ...that seems an appropriate title doesn't it? Or should it just be "Love Garden"
I am thinking of adding pink roses...any input on what pink perenials would go nicely in the garden would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I just now took notice of what is printed on my calendar for Sept...ACCEPTING YOUR ASSIGNMENT, You weren't created just to consume resources - to eat, breathe, and take up space...You were created to add to life on earth
WOW! That's a powerful message. Just before that I was thinking of what my Momma always says "Bloom where you are planted"
I played hookie from church today (Scott and the kids are out of town)but I think the message I was meant to hear has been delivered loud and clear.
Sounds like a beautiful idea! I am absolutely not a gardener, as anyone who looks at our flowerbeds can tell, so I'm no help on what to plant. I can't wait to see the pictures, though!
Enjoy the virgin garden beds. We moved into a house last year and dug up some new beds in addition to those already there. Kind of nice to start from scratch and plan it all out just how you want to see it grow. :)
If you want pink roses, you'll probably want them as close to the house as possible for them to winter over. That might help with your decision as to location. Pink peonies would do well here and don't need to be sheltered to winter over.
...hmmm maybe roses aren't the thing to plant there then. Thanks Barbara! I am looking for plants that are delicate in beauty but tough in strength as well...can endure any "storm" that comes their way.
I'm thinking of making the hoops of the heart into a sorta paver wall, which will double as a short wall/bench...this might be a nice wind cover too since where it would be would block the north wind...if it is in the corner by the road.
I was messing around with the frost on the window yesterday, drawing hearts...did you know that if you draw a heart and put two "roses" in certain spots then it looks a lot like a boo b? I thought that was too funny, and very appropriate too.
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