Sunday, June 1, 2008

HOT Fudge Sunday... and sweet ice tea in a mason jar

No coffee today, just lots and lots of ice tea as any good Southern person knows the best way to beat the heat is to drink it cold and sweet (and from a mason jar) just makes it taste better...don't ask me why.

Yes, it's finally warmed up!!! (Finally reached the 80s...maybe even 90!) The past 3 days have been nothing short of heavenly. I've been out enjoying every minute of each day...digging and planting and digging and planting and then when I am so exhausted I come in and drink some sweet tea and then I go out and dig and plant some more...I've just about run out of places to dig...hubs will have to get busy and alot me some more flower beds....his lawn is so precious that each square inch he gives me is like a gift. But he puts the hard work into edging them all with pavers so I can't complain a bit.

We've been having a great weekend and its easier to see why than to try to write it out...because I'm all rested up now and I can almost hear the dirt calling my name....gotta go!

I've finally posted some new photos onto our photosite. Go take a peek and please feel free to leave comments. Have a wonderful week!


a Tonggu Momma said...

Loved the photos!

Nicole said...

Send the warm weather our way please - I can't wait for 90 degree days!! Coops is out of school on friday and we need warm weather to keep us busy!!