Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Spirit

I am really lacking in the Christmas Spirit right now...as I drove to work this morning in the beautful, fluffy new fallen snow I could SEE Christmas but I just couldn't FEEL Christmas...I was listening to the radio playing "Here comes Santa Clause" and wondering to myself "Where are you Christmas?" I LOVE listening to KLOVE but have tuned in to the local station that plays Christmas tunes because there is no Christmas Carols and everytime I tune in they are asking for money. Yes, I know this is a difficult time and we should ALL give whatever we can, but shouldn't it come from the heart? Shouldn't you want to do it and do it without being asked or seen? Putting a dollar in the Salvation Army pot is a nice thing to do...but would you do it if there wasn't someone looking? I actually prefer the pots where there is no one there but that is besides the point. I wish that there were not a need for someone to stand out in the freezing cold to collect a pocketfull of change. Why can't we all give because our hearts tell us it is the right thing to do when we SEE someone in need? Why don't WE be the ones that makes the difference in the world? All this commercialism and talk about the economy has really been grating on my nerves. Every penny in America is imprinted with "IN GOD WE TRUST" Yet our taxpayers money is spent on bailing out billionaires so they can continue to make the same mistakes with our hard earned money. Where is the sense of it all? Why do we NEED to spend, spend, spend for our economy to survive? Maybe we just need to fall to our knees and Worship, Worship, Worship. Its free and its pretty easy to do. All we have to give is ourselves. In return we receive the greatest gift of all.

1 comment:

Kylie's momma said...

GREAT video! and so sad but true!