Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What flower are you?

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

You have a sunny disposition and are normally one of the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host once you get there as you are more than capable of making yourself seen and heard.

* Note

This is a really long test so no I did not attempt to throw the results....I am my favorite flower! Isn't that cool?


prechrswife said...

I am an echinacea. Here's the description:

"You are a health conscious person, both your health and the health of others. You know all about the health benefits and dangers of the world around you."

That really isn't me, but the quiz was fun. :-)

rgshrs said...

Yes, that is cool that you are your favorite flower. I apparently am a "Nigella" (something I've never heard of by the way lol) here's the description.

"Many people think you are just a little bit odd, but you consider yourself just a little eccentric. You find new experiences exciting and fulfilling."

It's kind of me, but never thought about myself of eccentric.. though others probably have. LOL

Kylie's momma said...

Fun fun fun...I'm a daisy.
You are just a sweet person. When a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, you are happy to offer yours with a box of tissues as well. Once in awhile, you wish you could be a little more dramatic but then sensibility sets back in and you know that you are perfect the way you are." Ummm well maybe some of this is true :-)?????